We are proud to present this EC135 P2+ / P2i in HEMS Configuration!
Operated and based in Norway and Denmark.
A/C TT 6505 FH (09/01-23)
Registration LN-OON
Serial number 1033
NVIS Certified
Fully covered by PbH and FMP contracts
Available for lease!
Mission Equipment
EC135 P2+ with MTOW-enhanced at 2950 kg
Engine fire extinguishing system
Center console
Instrument panel ext. on copilot side
Map cases on instrument panel glare shield, copilot door, pilot door and center console
Copilot flight controls (detachable parts)
Bleed air heating system with add. air outlets in cargo compartment Battery (40 Ah, 24 VDC) ULM (Saft) instead of standard battery Alternating Current (AC), 50 VA
Starter/generator (2 x 200 A, 28V DC) instead of standard generator Reinforced rear landing gear crosstube
Dual Landing & search light (400 W/200 W)– NVG
Fixed landing light
White strobe lights
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) incl. NAV option C406N HM (Artex)
Standard cockpit, cabin and cargo compartment – NVG, with separation curtain for cockpit/ cabin
Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) certification, basic
Enhanced exterior painting instead of standard painting
Tinted sunshades for cockpit windshield roof section
Clam-shell doors with window, one-hand latching and ext. opening fastner Sliding door max position, LH and RH
Jettisonable cockpit doors
Dual cargo hook system
Cable cutter system (WSP)
Rotor brake system
Fuel management system (fuel flow meters)
Accelerometers for track and balance system VMSII (Chadwick Helmuth)
Engine cowling heat protection, compressor wash kit
Windshield wiper system
Height adjustable pilot and copilot seat instead of standard seats
Extra multifunction handle on main gearbox cowling LH & RH Emergency lights incl. boarding step illuminations
Emergency hammer
MEGHAS dual (2xSMD45 / 1xSMD68) Flight Control Display System (FCDS)
FCDS/DAFCS GPS selection switch for GNS430AW (Garmin)
GPS/NAV/COM GNS430AW (Garmin), pilot and copilot w/COM 16w Digital Audio Control System (NAT), incl. AMU 50, ACP53 pilot and copilot
Transponder incl. Mode-S GTX330 - NVG (Garmin)
Distance Measuring Equipment DME-4000 (Rockwell Collins)
Marker beacon receiver and lights KR21(Honeywell) - NVG
Radar altimeter KRA 405B (Honeywell)
Dual Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) & magnetometer Dual pitot static system
3-axis Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS)
Tactical radio system VHF-FM maritime freq. (NAT) NTX138E (radio) w/ TH250C (ctrl-pnl) and UT12-000 (tone decoder FM)
Tactical radio, Cobham dual Tetra radio system with dual control head in cockpit and cabin (Provision only, no radio’s delivered)
Wireless intercom system (Axnes), Polycon
Search and rescue weather radar RDR-1600 (Telephonics) Interfaced to EuroNav 7 and FCDS
Traffic Advisory System TAS620 (Avidyne)
1: Pratt & Whitney PW206B2
2: Pratt & Whitney PW206B2